This is dish very popular when I have to go to an event here in central N.C. and bring a “covered dish.” It’s also served in Saxapahaw at The Eddy, our local pub, cooked by our local chef, Jeff.
Grow or buy some brussels sprouts. Put them in a sturdy skillet with some peanut oil. Roll them around. Add about 1 cup broth, water or wine. Put the lid on and steam till almost tender. Take lid off and boil away the liquid. When it’s almost gone, cook till brown; keep shaking the pan to roll them around so they don’t burn. It’s ok if they get a little black: they are roasted. Salt & pepper and eat. Then have gas.
Linda, that Brussels sprouts recipe is great! I’ve been doing it for years, except I cut the sprouts in half first. I have your recipe next to my collection of Ice. I found if you eat the sprouts with a big bowl of brown rice you can paddle out and surf for hours! You definitely have the gas to catch some tasty waves.